Class 9 Eco Ch1 Imp questions
VILLAGE OF PALAMPUR Q1) Which village was connected to Palampur? Ans)Raiganj was a big village connected to Palampur. Q2) What are the other activities practised in Palampur? Ans) Small scale manufacturing, shop keeping and dairy farming, transport are the other activities practised in Palampur. Q3)Which capital can be considered as the best: land, labour ,physical or human capital and why? Ans) Human capitalism considered as the best because it is the stock of productive knowledge and skills emboided in human being. The other capitals are useless without human capital because humans can only make productive use of the capitals. Q4) How was multiple cropping practiced in Palampur? Ans) More than one crop grown on a same piece of land during the year is called multiple cropping. People in Palampur are able to grow 3 different crops because they have electricity and we'll developed irrigation system. Many farmers ...